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or call us on
01254 682037
or email us.
To get your RE:FRESH MEMBERSHIP or find out more information about getting in touch click the link below.
We are offering a fully funded 6 week programme that provides dietary advice and support around changing behaviours to successfully meet your weight loss goals.
To be eligible for the course you need to have a BMI over 25, be able to commit to Wednesday’s, 11:30am – 12:30pm for 6 weeks from 23rd April, and can also commit to a follow up session 6 weeks after the completion of the course to check your progress.
If you’re interested, please call us on 01254 682037 for a discussion with one of our Health & Wellbeing Hub Advisors.
Health coaching provides people with the knowledge, skills and confidence to make lifestyle changes that will help you to reach your weight related goals. Our Health & Wellbeing Coaches:
As part of your journey, you will receive a range of free useful tools and resources, including:
Healthy Weight Handbook: Provides useful tips and advice to help you reach your goals.
Healthy Weight Journal: A handy diary where you can record your progress towards your goals.