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WorkWell is a new programme that aims to help people with physical and mental health conditions to start work or if they are currently ill or off work, stay in work.

This is a FREE and voluntary service, and as part of the offer, participants will have access to a Work and Health Coach.

Together, you will agree next steps that will form your own personal support plan. Work and Health Coaches will consider the full range of available local support and provide signposting, tailored to individual need.

Who is WorkWell aimed at?

To be eligible, participants must meet one of the following and either live, work, or be registered with a GP in Blackburn with Darwen.

— Individuals who are recently unemployed (within the last 6 months) with a low level health condition.

— Individuals who are employed but currently off work (within the last 6 months) with a low level health condition or concern.

— Individuals who are employed and in work but have a reported health condition or health concern and are at risk of dropping out of the workforce.

Don’t worry if you don’t meet this criteria, we can still help you!

Our Wellbeing Service can help you find the right support. Please contact us on: 01254 682037.

What is included in the programme?

When you join WorkWell, you will be supported by a Work & Health Coach. You will discuss the impact your health condition has on your life as well as any other challenges you may face with managing your health at work. This will be a safe space where you can ask any questions or concerns you may have, and will equip you be better supported in the future.

Your coach will work with you to identify realistic next steps as part of your plan. From there, your Coach will keep in touch to provide support where needed to help understand access to services or resources. This can include healthcare professionals, community sector services, further employment support, and much more.